Sunday, December 20, 2020

Bravo Dancers - Nutcracker was a success!

 What beautiful performances our dancers were able to create in our studio for the past 2 weeks!  Despite Covid, sickness, face masks, etc. we came out on top and we are so grateful to have had the intimate setting of our studio for these performances!  We hope you enjoy the pictures!  We are now on a break for 2 weeks to enjoy our families during Christmas and New Years.  

CLASSES WILL BEGIN FOR OUR WINTER SEMESTER ON MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2021.  We have added classes ON SATURDAYS for our 3&4 year olds, 5&6 year olds, and Int. 2 Dancer and Adv. Dancer classes.  We are also beginning a PARTNERING CLASS for ages 11 and Up (please bring a guy dancer who is open to learning how to partner and is strong enough to lift your dancer) on Saturdays.  We have also opened a third level of our Young Dancer Class (ages 7 & 8) on Wednesday evenings.  

Have a fabulous time with your families and we will see you after the break!  

We'll begin SOLOIST AUDITIONS FOR OUR YEAR-END FINALE PERFORMANCE ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021!  Please look for details coming soon.  We'll introduce this year's ballet with a series of Clues during the 1st three weeks of classes in January.  We love guessing what this year's ballet will be about...and look for exciting information on where this year's performance will be held!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...everywhere you go!


Ms. Michelle

Classical Youth Ballet


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Our Teacher Assistants are so excited to announce our Nutcracker Performances in our studio beginning 
Monday, December 7 through Thursday December 17, 2020!  

We love our TA's this year and are so grateful for their assistance in our children's classes:  Miss Kennady, Miss Brooklyn Hartman, Miss Avery, Miss Anneliese, and Miss Amy!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

2020-2021 Academic Year Schedule and Registration Contract

Hi Families,

I'm excited that we will be open for the upcoming academic year! We have limited class sizes this year due to corona/sanitation measures.  Class times have changed to allow a 15 minute period between classes to avoid interaction between students as much as possible and for cleaning between classes. If you have questions about which class to register your student for don't hesitate to contact me.

My heart to yours,
Ms. Michelle


Fall 2020-2021 Schedule 







3 & 4 years A 10:30-11:15 am





Young Dancer IA Ages 7 & 8)

3:45-4:45 pm

1 or 2x/wk

Int. Dancer I (Ages 11 & 12) 

3:45-5:15 pm  

Pre-Pointe/Beginning Pointe 


Int. Dancer I (Ages 11 & 12) 

3:45-5:15 pm

Pre-Pointe/Beginning Pointe 


Young Dancer IB (Ages 7 & 8) 

3:45-4:45 pm 

1 or 2x/wk


Young Dancer IIA (Ages 9 & 10)

5:00-6:00 pm

1 or 2x/wk

3 & 4 years B 

5:30-6:15 pm 

5 & 6 years B 

5:30-6:30 pm 

Young Dancer IIB (Ages 9 & 10) 

5:00-6:00 pm 

1 or 2x/wk 


Int. Dancer II (Ages 13 & 14)

6:15-7:45 pm

Intermediate Pointe


5 & 6 years A 

6:30-7:30 pm 


Boy’s Class

6:45-7:30 pm 

Int. Dancer II (Ages 13 & 14)  

6:15-7:45 pm 

Intermediate Pointe 



Adv. Dancer (Ages 15 & Up)

8:00-9:30 pm

Advanced Pointe


Ballet Training A (Ages 11 & Up)

7:45-8:45 pm

1 or 2x/wk

Ballet Training B (Ages 11 & Up)

7:45-8:45 pm

1 or 2x/wk

Adv. Dancer (Ages 15 & Up)

8:00-9:30 pm

Advanced Pointe




Young Dancer IIA & Young Dancer IIB: Must be 9 or 10 years old and may take 1-2x/week.  If wanting to earn ribbons or pre-pointe shoes: Must take 2x/week


Must be 11 to 14 years old and take 2x/week, be at a pre-pointe/beginning pointe/intermediate pointe level, and have Director approval.  


Must be 15 years old and take 2x/week, be at an advanced pointe level, and have Director approval.  


Ballet Training for Ages 11 & Up.  Required class 1 x/week for dancers wishing to be in our Performance Program. This class works core stability, turnout range and control, foot strengthening, postural awareness, and jumping technique.  THIS IS AN INJURY PREVENTION CLASS designed to target ballet-specific muscle groups for both conditioning and flexibility purposes.  

PERFORMANCE PROGRAM: ~ Enrollment by AUDITION ONLY.  Dancers wanting Larger Roles (in addition to their regular class dance) in our productions (Nutcracker & Spring Performances) must audition & agree to the Contracted Schedule to take part. Audition DATES are pending COVID-19.  More information 

will come as we receive information from the Bear River Health Department and the Box Elder High School/Box Elder School District.


Registration Contract 2020-2021


ATTENDANCE:  I understand that to remain enrolled in the Early Childhood Program (ages 3 to 6 years), the student must commit to attend one class each week and that every effort will be made for regular attendance.  I understand that to remain enrolled in the Young Dancer Program (ages 7 through 10) the student must commit to and attend the minimum number of classes per week.  To improve technique, prevent injury and to perform in a quality performance, regular attendance is absolutely necessary.  I understand that to remain enrolled in the Intermediate Dancer Program (ages 11 to 14 years) the student must commit to and attend the minimum number of classes per week.  To improve technique, prevent injury and to perform in a quality performance, regular attendance is absolutely necessary. I understand that to remain enrolled in the Advanced Dancer Program (ages 15+) the student must commit to and attend the minimum number of classes per week. To improve technique, prevent injury and to perform in a quality performance, regular attendance is absolutely necessary. Classical Youth Ballet reserves the right to cancel any class for which less than six (6) students enroll. I understand that if there are more than 2 unexcused absences in a term my dancer will need to make up classes or they will be ineligible for performances. I understand that my dancer is allowed 4 excused absences in a term; however, they will be ineligible for performances until they have made up any excess missed classes. 


ONLINE REGISTRATION:  I understand by registering ONLINE, my non-refundable registration fee/s of $25 (1st student), $20 (2ndstudent), $15 (3rd student) $10 (4th student) must be received within 72 hours (3 days) of the date I registered online and received a Confirmation Email back from CYB.  Otherwise, registration is incomplete and will be null and void, and open to the next available registering dancer.  A Digital Signature (typed signature) must be signed per our online Registration Contract / Release & Indemnification authorization and this will be considered a mutually binding document once agreed on. Entry into the studio will not be allowed if this is not signed prior to the dancer beginning classes.  I understand the registration fee is applicable for one school year (August 2020 through May 2021) and is nonrefundable and nontransferable, even if the studio closes for any outside unforeseeable acts, diseases, loss of students, etc. that are beyond the control of the studio. THE REGISTRATION FEE MUST BE PAID ONLINE OR OVER THE PHONE FOR THE 2020-2021 ACADEMIC YEAR.


TUITION:  I understand my account will be billed MONTHLY on the 1st of the month.  Once my tuition has been billed, I understand I am responsible for payment for the month whether my dancer attends classes or not.  I understand my tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable (monthly). I hereby agree to make timely tuition payments as set forth therein and understand that I must pay online or over the phone (no checks or cash).  I understand there are no refunds or deductions from tuition for classes not attended (monthly).  I will make every effort to bring my child to make-up classes for classes missed in order for them to be eligible for performing.  I understand what my regular monthly tuition is and that it will be due and payable on the 1st day of the month.  I also agree to a late fee of $10.00 if my payment is received any time after the 7th day of the month.  A $5.00 late fee will continue to be billed weekly after 30 days in arrears or until the account is paid in full.  I understand when tuition payments are made, payments will be applied to late fees first and then to tuition balance.  I understand my account must be closed out in person by signing a “Drop Class Form” when cancelling classes.  I understand I will be billed a $20.00 fee for Returned Checks.  I understand Monthly Tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable, even if the studio closes for any outside unforeseeable acts, diseases, loss of students, etc. that are beyond the control of the studio. TUITION MUST BE PAID ONLINE OR OVER THE PHONE FOR THE 2020-2021 ACADEMIC YEAR.

**I understand if my account has a balance due of more than 60 days, a phone call will be made to the parent and my dancer will be unable to return to class until the account is paid in full.  I understand if my account has a balance due of more than 90 days and no attempt has been made to pay, that my account will be turned over to a collection agency.  I understand that any and all collection costs and fees will then become my responsibility.


CHANGING OR DROPPING CLASSES:  If the need to change a class occurs, Ms. Michelle reserves the right to authorize whether the dancer may indeed change (based on availability/eligibility).  I also understand if there is an increase in tuition, I understand the new fees will be due and payable at that time.  

I understand if the need to drop a class occurs, I must give a 30-day written notice, which must be completed by signing a “Drop Class Form.”  Otherwise, I understand CYB assumes the student is still enrolled and charges on my account will continue to incur until this Drop Class Form has been received.  The 30 days will begin as of the date a representative of CYB has received and initialed this written notice.  I understand if I have pre-payed for tuition, I may still drop the class; however, my tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable.  **IF 30-DAYS NOTICE IS NOT RECEIVED WITH THE “DROP CLASS FORM,” FULL MONTHLY TUITION WILL CONTINUE TO BE CHARGED TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND IS DUE AND PAYABLE AT THE TIME YOU WITHDRAW.  

I understand if Classical Youth Ballet needs to cancel the class due to low enrollment (less than 6) and I am unable to move my dancer to an equivalent class offered by Ms. Michelle, my tuition may be refunded within 30 days of the date of cancellation.


PERFORMANCE FEES:  I understand there are two performance opportunities:  Ages 6 and above have an optional performance of The Nutcracker by an Audition to be held in September 2020; Ages 3 and above will have a performance for our Year-End Performanceheld in May 2021, and dancers age 11 and up will have an audition for larger roles in January 2021.  I understand Nutcracker Performance Fees are due on or before October 9, 2020 and that Year-End Performance Fees are due on or before January 15, 2021.  I understand I can make additional payments at any time on or before October 9, 2020 for the Nutcracker Fees OR January 15, 2021 for the Year-End Performance Fees.  I understand that performance fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable once they have been paid, even if the studio closes for any outside unforeseeable acts, diseases, loss of students, etc. that are beyond the control of the studio.  I understand there are no refunds or transfer of funds available once I have made a Performance Fee payment; and if Performance Fees are not paid, or are partially paid, my dancer will not be allowed to perform, and my dancer will not receive their costume. I understand that if my dancer has more than 2 unexcused absences in a term they are ineligible for performing until they have been made up, and that no refund will be given for performance ineligibility. 


NOTIFICATION:  I understand the dancer and/or the Parent MUST notify Ms. Michelle (435-730-7797) if unable to attend classes (sickness, family emergencies, etc.) as soon as it is clear the dancer will not be coming to class. I understand if I do not notify Ms. Michelle, it counts as an unexcused absence for my dancer, and if there are more than 2 unexcused absences my dancer is ineligible for performances. If notice is given in advance, it will count as an excused absence, and dancers may have 4 excused absences per semester before having performance ineligibility, and must make up any excess absences. 

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Summer 2020 Schedule!

Dear CYB Families,

As we closed our school year last week with our In-Studio Mini-Performances, I wanted to reach out and say a huge THANK YOU to all of my ballet families for supporting, loving, enduring, maintaining, and persevering during this pandemic that none of us could have imagined would turn our worlds inside out.  If I've learned anything through this quarantine, it is that family is still the most important entity and we must hold on dearly to them, because really they are all that we have!  As my ballet family, I am eternally indebted to you for honestly keeping us afloat and continuing to keep our studio open.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

As we move into the next chapter, I believe we will be more resilient, more loving, more kind, more understanding of each other and our unique situations that we find ourselves.  Slowing our lives down is of the utmost importance, I believe, and classes for the summer will reflect that as you will see when you open up the attached schedule.  Scheduling will be done on a "first come-first serve" basis as class sizes must be diminished and we are not able to combine classes for the summer due to social distancing mandates.  

Summer Ballet Camps (Ages 3 to 6) & Summer Workshops (Ages 7 through College) will be held for 3 weeks in June (June 8-25th) and July (July 6-23rd).  We will have Online Registration ready for Summer Enrollment by Monday, June 1st.  

Fall 2020 Classes will begin on Monday, August 17th.  We will have Online Registration ready for Fall 2020 Enrollment by Monday, June 8th. 

Youth Dance Theatre (YDT) will complete their school year with an End-of-Year BBQ that will be held on the back lawn of our studio on Saturday, June 27th, at 4:00 pm.  Invitations to that will be forthcoming so we can celebrate our accomplishments for this school year!  For those wanting more information on YDT, you will receive more instructions soon; however, as of today we will not be having online, recorded, or in-studio auditions.  As life continues to change, we ebb and flow with the changes as well.  Look forward to some changes as we are excited about the future for our studio!

Thank you for a beautiful school year and for those who will be continuing on with us or those of you who will be moving on to other exciting avenues, WE LOVE YOU!

My Heart to Yours (Always),

Ms. Michelle

3 & 4 yrs Ballet Camps!
9:30-10:15 am

5 & 6 yrs Ballet Camps!
10:30-11:30 am
Young Dancer I (Ages 7 & 8)
10:30-11:30 am
Int. Dancer I (Ages 11 & 12)
2:30-4:00 pm
Pre-Pointe/Beginning Pointe

Int. Dancer I (Ages 11 & 12)
2:30-4:00 pm
Pre-Pointe/Beginning Pointe
Int. Dancer II (Ages 13 & 14) 
4:15-5:45 pm
Intermediate Pointe
Young Dancer II (Ages 9 & 10)
5:30-6:30 pm
Young Dancer II (Ages 9 & 10)
5:30-6:30 pm
Int. Dancer II (Ages 13 & 14) 
4:15-5:45 pm
Intermediate Pointe
Adv. Dancer (Ages 15 & Up)
6:00-7:30 pm
Advanced Pointe
Ballet Conditioning (Ages 9 & Older)
6:45-7:45 pm
Ballet Conditioning (Ages 9 & Older)
6:45-7:45 pm
Adv. Dancer (Ages 15 & Up)
6:00-7:30 pm
Advanced Pointe

*BALLET CAMPS! (3 TO 6 YEARS OLD):                                                                         
COST:  3&4 yrs: $12/camp OR $30/month.  5&6 yrs: $15/camp OR $35/month.
COST:  3&4 yrs: $12/camp OR $30/month.  5&6 yrs: $15/camp OR $35/month.

                                    YOUNG DANCER I (AGES 7 & 8):                    THURSDAYS JUNE 11, 18, 25                           THURSDAYS JULY 9, 16, 23
COST: $15/week or $35/month
                                    YOUNG DANCER II (AGES 9 & 10):              TUES & WED JUNE 9-10, 16-17, 23-24               TUES & WED JULY 7-8, 14-15, 21-22
COST: $30/week or $70/month

                                    INT. DANCER I (AGES 11 & 12): PRE & BEG. POINTE:    
                                                             MONDAY/THURSDAYS:      JUNE 8 & 11; JUNE 15 & 18; JUNE 22 & 25   JULY 6 & 9; JULY 13 & 16; JULY 20 & 23
COST: $35/week or $80/month
                                    INT. DANCER II (AGES 13 & 14): INT. POINTE: 
                                                              MONDAY/THURSDAYS:      JUNE 8 & 11; JUNE 15 & 18; JUNE 22 & 25  JULY 6 & 9; JULY 13 & 16; JULY 20 & 23
COST: $35/week or $80/month

                                    ADVANCED DANCER: 
                                                              MONDAY/THURSDAYS:      JUNE 8 & 11; JUNE 15 & 18; JUNE 22 & 25  JULY 6 & 9; JULY 13 & 16; JULY 20 & 23
COST: $35/week or $80/month

                                    BALLET CONDITIONING (AGES 9 & OLDER): 
                                                                       TUESDAYS:                                                                           JUNE 9, 16, 23; JULY 7, 14, 21
                                                                       WEDNESDAYS:                                                                     JUNE 10, 17, 24; JULY 8, 15, 22
COST: (1 day/week):  *If taking Technique 2x/week:  $25/month       Conditioning Class Only: $15/week or $35/month (1 day/week)                                                                              
COST: (2 days/week)  *If taking Technique 2x/week: $30/month      Conditioning Class 2x/week Only: $30/week or $70/month (2 days/week)